Nursing Home Abuse & Negligence In South Florida: Part I

South Florida’s ever-growing popularity as a prime retirement destination has created a booming hub of assisted living centers and nursing homes set among the sun and sand. And while that may sound like an enticing part of one’s retirement plan, the actuality is that the need to improve nursing home quality of care in Florida is so substantial that the Senate Special Committee on Aging has focused considerable attention on the situation. Unfortunately, even with regulations in place, there are limited nursing and medical resources in South Florida and throughout the state to enforce them. The result has been an increase in the number of cases of negligence, abuse, and wrongful death of loved ones under the care of individuals and facilities, and the risk continues to grow.
In this installment, we will cover some of the types of physical abuse and negligence that have resulted in legal action.
Some Types of Physical Abuse
Illegal and inappropriate use of restraints
Forcing individuals to perform self care actions they are not readily capable of doing and that result in injury
Some Types of Physical Negligence
Failure to provide cleanliness
Failure to provide supplies
Failure to provide food, water, and other necessities in sufficient quantities
Failure to provide medication/Failure to provide medication on time
Failure to clean wounds
Failure to avoid the development of bedsores
Failure to provide clean, temperature-appropriate clothing
Failure to provide clean, proper bedding
Failure to change bandages/wet bed sheets
Failure to provide and/or change bedpans
Signs That Your Loved One May Be Being Abused or Neglected
Restraint Marks
Broken Bones
Missing hair on scalp
Refusal to eat or drink and resultant weight loss
Sleep problems/nightmares
Sudden malnutrition
Complaints and anxiety about staff/Fear of staff members
Fear of taking food or medication from staff members
Stating a desire to die
Sudden overall deterioration of health
Has Your Loved One Been A Victim of Nursing Home Abuse or Negligence?
Meeting with an experienced Florida Nursing Home Abuse & Negligence lawyer for an initial consultation is an important step. Research information about lawyers who specialize in Miami Florida Nursing Home Abuse & Negligence, or if possible, who specialize in the particular type of Nursing Home Abuse or Negligence you or your loved one endured.
Many lawyers and legal teams offer free initial consultations. At Mallard & Sharp, P.A., we specialize in Miami Florida Nursing Home Abuse & Negligence cases. To schedule a free initial consultation with our expert legal team call 877.662.5527 or 305.461.4800.
St. Anne’s Nursing Home & Residence
Miami Jewish Home & Hospital For The Aged
Miami Jewish Health Systems
Coral Reef Nursing & Rehabilitation Center
Victoria Nursing & Rehabilitation Center