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Breech Birth Tag

Twins And Birth Injuries: Is It Medical Malpractice Or Negligence?

twins and birth injuries

By their general nature, births involving twins or other multiples in pregnancy run a higher risk of experiencing birth defects, with one twin often more affected than the other.1 In addition, certain conditions, such as hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (HIE), a serious, life-threatening form of brain damage that can occur during childbirth, have the potential to be more common among twin births. Further, a rare condition in which twins share the placenta and one twin receives more blood flow than the other, known as twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome (TTTS), can occur, and often presents with devastating consequences.2 But what about when such risk is compounded...

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Key Factors In Multiple-Defendant Birth Related Injury Litigation

birth related injury

When a newborn child or new mother experiences a birth related injury or injuries, legal help is often sought with the goals of holding someone accountable and securing fair compensation. But what if more than one individual or entity is at fault? And how is that deciphered and proven? The answer lies in a united effort between the affected family and an expert lawyer or legal team. The process, to be effective, begins with self care for parents bolstered by useful resources geared toward securing the best possible outcome for the injured child, mother, or both. The following are key...

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Top Considerations In Maternal Childbirth Related Injury Cases

Maternal Childbirth Related Injury

Maternal Childbirth Related Injury Cases can be devastating. Little brings more happiness and is more exciting and fulfilling than having a healthy newborn baby. But being a new mother and having the experienced marred by a physical or mental injury—or both—can be extremely upsetting and debilitating. Not to mention the horror faced by families in cases of childbirth-related maternal deaths. From short-term impairments to major long-term physical and mental injuries caused by others, care, compensation, and justice become priorities. Some related causes and effects of childbirth-related injuries mothers may experience include: * Infection * Lacerations *Severe scarring * C-section ruptures *Uterine rupture * Vaginal or anal...

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Breech Birth Injuries & Getting Legal Help

Breech Birth Injuries

Among the potential problems that can result in birth injuries are breech birth injuries. Breech births are those in which a fetus is not in the correct position to emerge head first, but rather feet first or buttocks first. The types of birth injuries that can be sustained as a result may affect the child, the mother, or both. In situations in which a baby is in breech position, doctors often attempt careful manual manipulation to move the baby into a head-first birth position. While this is effective in many cases, it carries its own set of risks, including potential umbilical...

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