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Negligence Tag

Benefits Of Legal Representation In Nursing Home Legal Cases

Nursing Home Legal Cases

Time. Money. Justice. These are all factors in a vast array of situations in life, and nursing home legal cases are no different.  To begin with, experiencing nursing home abuse or neglect, or learning that a loved one is or was being abused or neglected, generally coincides with feelings of anger, hurt, and even guilt. Adding to the devastation is the confusion that usually follows regarding what steps to take next — and hiring a nursing home abuse and neglect lawyer is often a consideration. However, a combination of misconceptions about legal costs and time factors sometimes deters individuals from initially...

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Medical Malpractice Negligence In Hospitals: Preventable Harm

medical malpractice negligence

Misdiagnosis. Medication errors. Laboratory test mix-ups. These are just a few of the scenarios that can lead to legal action after an individual or loved one is injured or dies due to medical malpractice negligence in a hospital or medical center. And they are far too common. Evidence-based research estimates show that over 400,000 patients die due to preventable harm in hospitals each year.1  Determining the extent of harm caused and providing provable causative factors is essential in securing grounds for a medical malpractice negligence lawsuit. Were all patient symptoms addressed? Were all medications and any potential or known interactions carefully...

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Negligent Security & Wrongful Death

Negligent security & Wrongful Death

Negligent security is one of many types of negligence that results in civil lawsuits. Legally, it generally involves cases in which assault, battery, and/or aggravated assault results in the injury or death of an individual as a result of improper, insufficient, or non-existent security—in the form of either material surveillance or trained security personnel—on a property. Essentially it is a form of premises liability, and includes any harm from robbery to rape. It may also include situations in which an individual is injured on a property and left without assistance due to a lack of security surveillance. For example, a...

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