Maternal C-Section Birth Injuries

Cesarean delivery of a baby (also referred to as a C-section) is the surgical procedure utilized when pregnancy risks or complications are present. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that in 2020 alone, 1,148,692 babies were born in the U.S. by C-section.1 That’s more than 30 percent of all babies born in the U.S. during that year.
C-sections sometimes result in maternal birth injuries. While some maternal C-section birth injuries may result in temporary and/or minor injuries, other maternal C-sections birth injuries may result in permanent conditions. According to the Mayo Clinic, maternal C-section birth injuries include2:
– Infection (at the incision site, in the urinary tract, or in the uterine lining)
– Blood loss
– Blood clots
– Anesthesia reactions
– Surgical injuries (to bladder or bowel)
– Future-pregnancy complication risks (placenta previa, placenta accreta, uterine rupture)
Amniotic fluid embolisms are another potential risk.3
In addition to these potential maternal C-section birth injuries is the possibility of postpartum depression or post traumatic stress brought on by such injuries.4 Not to mention increased difficulties breastfeeding, holding a newborn, and doing other associated activities when an maternal C-section birth injury has been suffered.
In many cases in which maternal C-section birth injuries are involved, legal action is taken to seek justice and secure fair compensation to accommodate the needs of the affected individual or individuals. In some cases, both mother and child sustain birth injuries during a C-section birth delivery.
Noted attorney Richard “Bo” Sharp, Esquire and Mallard & Sharp, P.A.’s continual goal is to obtain justice and maximum compensation for individuals who have suffered a maternal C-section birth injury.
Mallard & Sharp, P.A. is dedicated to providing every client with the path to justice and financial recovery. The firm continually handles varied cases that involve infant and maternal birth injuries, medical malpractice negligence, and negligent security, as well as any other provable acts of negligence that have caused catastrophic injuries or wrongful death to individuals.
For additional information or to inquire about expert legal representation for a potential birth injury medical malpractice negligence case, including a Maternal C-Section Birth Injury Medical Malpractice case, contact Mallard & Sharp, P.A. at 305-461-4800.