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5 Facts About Birth Injury Lawsuit Evidence

Birth Injury Lawsuit Evidence

Having a newborn with a birth injury due to medical malpractice negligence is utterly devastating. So is being a mother who is the victim of birth injury medical malpractice negligence. When these heartbreaking scenarios occur, seeking legal help is often a priority for individuals and families. And evidence is the engine that drives the train to justice and fair financial compensation. Here are five facts about birth injury lawsuit evidence: 1. A case must be provable. In order for any legal case to be successfully settled, harm caused by a breach of duty of care must be proven via hard evidence. Hearsay...

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Uninsured Doctor Liability In A Medical Malpractice Case

Uninsured Doctor Liability

Throughout the medical field in Florida, an array of different physicians — including those in general medicine, cosmetic surgery, and even obstetrics — carry no liability insurance. The fact that they do not carry this insurance must be made known to patients, though it may simply be displayed in writing in their medical-office waiting areas. Unfortunately, when done in this manner, the letter, notice, or flyer that is posted may go unnoticed by patients. When patients of uninsured doctors are victims of medical malpractice negligence, it can be devastating at an even higher level due to costs and legalities. Private practice...

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Liability Involving Hospital-Affiliated Physicians

Hospital-Affiliated Physicians

When patients are injured or die due to medical malpractice negligence in a hospital, physicians are often involved. And while many individuals do not realize it, the physicians who treat them during an emergency room visit or hospital stay may not, in fact, be hospital employees. This creates varied legal scenarios when things go wrong. In reality, liability involving hospital-affiliated physicians has some gray areas and requires experienced attorneys to navigate efficiently and effectively for the benefit of those who have been harmed. Hospital Employee or Independent Contractor? To begin with, there are general differences in the liability associated with hospital employees...

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Midwife Pre-Term Birth Medical Malpractice


Over the past several years, Florida has been under intense scrutiny with regard to midwifery. As reported in a previous article, a mid-August 2019 Herald-Tribune article based on the results of an investigation carried out with GateHouse Media revealed that out-of-hospital deliveries in the state were twice as likely to result in infant injury or death when compared to hospital deliveries.1  The article further detailed the tragic reality that at minimum six infants and one mother had died since October of 2018 in Florida during planned out-of-hospital births utilizing midwives. Other infants and mothers suffered serious injuries due to the same or...

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5 Causes of Vaccine Related Medical Injuries


When developed and administered properly and safely, vaccines and injectable medications can be useful tools and beneficial adjuncts in the quest for better health. Lack of proper development or use, however, can result in situations ranging from mild side effects to devastating ones, including death. All age groups can be affected. Listed here are five potential causes of vaccine related medical injury: 1. Administering The Wrong Vaccine Improperly labeled vaccines, patient record mix-ups, and lack of practitioner, nurse, or pharmacist focus can result in administration of a vaccine other than what was prescribed. An example is the administration of insulin to an...

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Rh Negative Blood Birth Injury

Rh Negative RH Factor

Blood types matter, particularly during pregnancy and childbirth. The Rh factor — a protein attached to red blood cells genetically — may or may not be present in a mother’s (or surrogate’s) blood. When the Rh factor is present, blood is referred to as Rh positive; when it is not, blood is referred to as Rh negative. Special considerations are needed in the case of Rh negative mothers or surrogates in order to avoid Rh negative blood birth injuries in infants as well as mothers and surrogates. Knowing a mother’s or surrogate’s blood type is the first step. If a mother...

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Preeclampsia Medical Malpractice Birth Injuries

Preeclampsia Medical Malpractice Birth Injuries

High blood pressure (called hypertension) is always a serious medical concern—particularly during pregnancy. It can lead to preeclampsia, a maternal condition that can affect nearly every organ in the body and even potentially lead to preterm birth.1,2 In severe cases it can also result in the death of the mother, baby, or both. In some instances injury or death in such cases may be due to preeclampsia medical malpractice birth injuries. According to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, preeclampsia occurs in approximately 1 in every 25 pregnancies in the nation.1 Hypertension that occurs after 20 weeks of pregnancy or...

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Cord Discord: Umbilical Cord Medical Malpractice Birth Injury

umbilical cord

Umbilical cord issues during pregnancy and delivery are not uncommon. In fact, it is estimated that between 20 to 30 percent of all babies have one or more “loops” of umbilical cord wrapped around their necks or another body part in utero or at birth (called a nuchal cord).1  While the thought of it may be unnerving, an article in the American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology reports that a majority of the time nuchal cords don’t cause serious complications.2 However, in some cases umbilical cord problems are the result of medical malpractice negligence resulting in serious injury to an infant,...

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5 Common Questions About Cephalohematoma Birth Injuries


Birth injuries involving a baby’s head can be particularly concerning and stress inducing. Among them are those involving cephalohematomas. The following are five commonly asked questions about cephalohematoma birth injuries: 1. What Is A Cephalohematoma? A cephalohematoma occurs when blood collects between a newborn baby’s scalp and skull due to broken blood vessels in the scalp. It sometimes coincides with a linear skull fracture. 2. What Causes A Cephalohematoma? Pressure on a baby’s head. This can be due to a number of situations, including vacuum delivery, forceps use, a high birth weight baby, multiple number of babies (twins, triplets, or more), epidural use, a...

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Four Types of Perineal Tear Birth Injuries

Perineal Tear

Perineal tears are a relatively common occurrence during childbirth. In fact, Cleveland Clinic reports that up to 90% of vaginal births result in perineal tears.1 While in many cases such tears require only minor suturing — or none at all — and do not result in long-term trauma, in others they cause severe damage. The latter are sometimes due to doctor or midwife error in the form of medical malpractice negligence. Failure to properly monitor birthing stages, for example, may result in a perineal tear birth injury. In such a case, a doctor or midwife may be liable for medical...

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