Newborn Heart Defect Delayed Diagnosis Lawsuits

Any form of delayed medical diagnosis can lead to substantial health problems — or even death. One particularly devastating scenario is that of a newborn heart defect delayed diagnosis. Research has shown that delayed recognition of congenital heart disease in children is often due to physician negligence.1 Further, it uncovers the specific fact that available clinical cardiac findings alert physicians to likely newborn heart defects, though such findings are often ignored. Congenital heart defects are the most common type of birth defect.2
No matter the cause, fair compensation is an essential part of a legal settlement in provable lawsuits that result from birth injury medical malpractice negligence. Cost increases that will occur over time for required items, medications, and services are an integral aspect that must be considered and calculated into a settlement.
Parents whose babies are victims of a newborn heart defect delayed diagnosis birth injury due to provable medical malpractice negligence not only want and need valid answers to their questions, but also useful, efficient direction and assistance. Selecting an expert birth injury lawyer or legal team is essential to help ensure justice and fair compensation. Noted South Florida Lawyer Richard “Bo” Sharp, Esq. and Mallard & Sharp, P.A.’s goal is to obtain justice for individuals and families who are victims of birth injury medical malpractice negligence, especially when such malpractice occurs during labor and delivery. This includes any provable case involving a newborn heart defect delayed diagnosis.
The legal professionals at Mallard & Sharp, P.A. are dedicated to providing every client with the path to justice and financial recovery. The record-breaking firm handles detailed cases that involve birth injuries, medical malpractice, and negligent security, as well as any other acts of negligence that cause catastrophic injuries or wrongful death.
For more information or to inquire about hiring expert legal representation for a potential birth injury medical malpractice negligence case, including those involving newborn heart defect delayed diagnosis birth injuries, contact Mallard & Sharp, P.A. at 305-461-4800.