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Medical Equipment Tag

Medical Equipment Malpractice Negligence Part II

medical equipment malpractice

In addition to medical equipment malpractice negligence that occurs involving the mechanical and structural aspects of development and function is that caused by human error. Doctors, specialists, technicians, maintenance workers, and even cleaning crew individuals may be liable in cases of medical equipment malpractice. Potential scenarios include improper machine use, lack of maintenance, deficient technician training, and misinterpretation of results. Patient identity errors and errors regarding test types can also lead to misuse of medical equipment, as can entering improper settings on machines that dispense intravenous medication, regulate breathing, or perform other pertinent medically related functions. Such errors can result in...

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Medical Equipment Malpractice Negligence Part I

Medical Equipment

Medical malpractice negligence can involve a number of different individuals, including doctors, physician assistants, specialists, nurses, midwives, and medical technicians. And while in many instances the liability lies with more than one medical professional at the same time, there is another arena for consideration: medical equipment used for testing. From development to maintenance, and from use to interpretation of test results, a sea of potential errors due to medical equipment malpractice negligence involving liable parties exists. In addition to operator error and misread or misinterpreted results are medical equipment errors. Broken or malfunctioning parts, electrical issues, power failures, software problems, and...

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