Ten Causes of Anesthesia Errors Medical Malpractice Negligence

Among the various types of medication errors in medical malpractice negligence cases are those involving anesthesia errors. Unfortunately, while such errors are not common, they still occur. And the effects can be devastating, resulting in serious permanent injury or even death. According to a study published in the Southern Medical Journal, between 2007 and 2014 a total of 17,116 anesthetic errors and 131 associated deaths were reported in the United States alone.1
The physical, mental, emotional, and financial hardships created for patients and their loved ones due to anesthesia-related medical malpractice negligence can be substantial. They can create the need for specialty care, medical equipment, therapies, and other necessities that require adequate compensation.
In addition to the trauma that can occur when anesthesia does not take effect properly, there are a number of scenarios that can lead to anesthesia-related errors caused by medical malpractice negligence. These include:
1. Improper or incorrect verbal or written communication
2. Patient allergies or severe sensitivities
3. Incorrect assessment of patient
4. Overdosage
5. Underdosage
6. Use of incorrect medication
7. Wrong patient information
8. Improper patient monitoring
9. Damaged or inaccurate equipment
10. Extensive time under anesthesia
If you or a loved one has experienced an injury, or a loved one has died, and you believe the injury or death was caused by an anesthesia-related medication error due to medical malpractice negligence, obtaining the following may in fact help an experienced lawyer or legal team assess your case:
1. Written Documentation
Obtaining any and all types of written correspondence related to the alleged anesthesia-related medication error or errors.
2. Medical Records
Obtaining all medical records, including those from anesthesiologists, all involved doctors, off-site physicians, physician assistants, anesthesiologist assistants, and both office and hospital visits (including any emergency visits), is critical. Records should be carefully reviewed for medication types, dosages, administration, and effects, as well as errors encountered and injuries that resulted.
3. Victim and Witness Statements (Including Medical Staff, Family Members, and/or Friends)
Obtaining written and taped statements from any and all parties who witnessed the events that led to injury or have information about the alleged anesthesia-related error or errors, including nurses, assistants, aides, other care workers, is beneficial in proving a medical malpractice negligence case involving anesthesia-related errors.
If you or a loved one has experienced Medical Malpractice Negligence in the form of an anesthesia-related medication error, contacting an experienced lawyer or legal team for an initial legal consultation is an important step. It is beneficial to research information about lawyers who specialize in Medical Malpractice Negligence in the form of anesthesia-related medication errors cases, or if possible, who specialize in the particular type of Medical Malpractice Negligence lawsuit case you or your loved one may be dealing with.
Many lawyers and legal teams offer free initial consultations. At Mallard & Sharp, P.A., we specialize in a wide variety of cases, including those involving Medical Malpractice Negligence in the form of anesthesia-related medication errors, in Miami, South Florida, or any other area within Florida. To schedule a free initial consultation with our expert legal team call 877.662.5527 or 305.461.4800.