Breaking the Silence — And Records — On Birth Injuries

Devastation, disbelief, and apprehension are only a few of the hallmarks of birth injuries. Parents and families of birth-injured infants endure a wide spectrum of unforeseen difficulties and challenging situations, to say the least. Caring for an infant with birth injuries can not only be overwhelming and exhausting, but also highly emotional. Having a variety of support avenues — including a solid legal one — is essential.
When a doctor, other medical professional, hospital, or birthing facility (or any combination of these) is at fault for a baby’s birth injury or injuries, parents may be unsure how to effectively proceed in order to obtain justice and secure fair compensation to meet their child’s short- and long-term needs. According to record-breaking attorney Richard “Bo” Sharp of Mallard & Sharp, P.A., contacting the negligent party or parties directly is unlikely to produce the results needed to ensure financial assistance commensurate to providing care for a birth injured infant’s needs into the future.
“If you think your baby was the victim of medical negligence, do not expect the doctor or hospital who caused your child’s injury to admit fault and take responsibility for their actions…they won’t. In nearly all cases where a baby is the victim of medical malpractice, the child and family will never be compensated for their injuries unless they hire an attorney,” states Sharp.
Sharp, a noted Miami attorney and lead counsel who recently recovered a record $12 million FTCA medical malpractice settlement in a birth injury medical malpractice negligence case, hopes that parents of birth injured infants will seek expert legal help rather than contacting the negligent party or parties directly.
In some instances parents stay silent, fearing their efforts will be fruitless, daunting, or costly. In others, birth injury medical malpractice cases are turned down by some attorneys or legal teams. For example, in 2017 Sharp served as lead counsel in the $33.8 million Dixon v. USA victory, the largest medical malpractice verdict in Florida that year and the largest medical malpractice verdict ever recovered in Miami-Dade County to date. The case involved a male infant who was the victim of birth injury medical malpractice, and as a result suffered severe injuries due to the delivering doctor failing to address a fetal heart rate emergency while instead on the phone with his investment advisor finalizing a real estate transaction. The case had previously been turned down by prominent South Florida Plaintiffs’ Firms.1
Sharp’s refreshing combination of skill, caring, precision, and perseverance continues to benefit victims of medical malpractice negligence birth injuries and their families.
Mallard & Sharp, P.A. is dedicated to providing its clients with the path to justice and financial recovery. The firm handles righteous cases that involve birth injuries, medical malpractice, and negligent security, as well as any negligence acts that cause catastrophic injuries or wrongful death.
For more information regarding their expert legal services, contact Mallard & Sharp, P.A. at 305-461-4800.