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From Prevention To Palsy: How Most Birth Injuries Occur

Birth Injuries

Learning that your newborn baby has birth injuries is a horrific experience. You have questions. And you want answers—along with help, direction, resources…and justice. Not to mention fair compensation for your birth injury negligence settlement so that you can pay for care and services for your child. This is especially important when your child’s care requirements will be ongoing. There are a number of causes of birth injuries, the great majority of which are related to medical negligence. These include errors on the behalf of doctors, surgeons, medical staff, nurses, and hospitals. In cases of birth injuries resulting in palsy, for example,...

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Legal Help For C-Section Birth Injuries

C-Section Birth Injuries

C-Section Birth Injuries are unfortunately a common occurrence. Cesarean section (also called C-section) births are often performed with the intent to avoid injury to both mother and child. Common reasons for performing them include fetal distress, a mother’s high blood pressure, breech position of a baby, and the need to deliver multiple babies.  Unfortunately, C-sections themselves sometimes result in birth injuries. Such injuries can include fetal lacerations (which can additionally result in Erb’s Palsy, fractures, and cervical cord injuries, among other things), anesthesia injuries, maternal surgical injuries, infections, blood clots, hemorrhages, and even death.1,2 Further, delays in performing C-sections can not only...

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Feds Pay $1.25 Million To End Baby Brain Damage And Death Suit

Brain Damage

By Y. Peter Kang Law360 (May 2, 2019, 8:09 PM EDT) -- A Florida federal judge has approved a $1.25 million settlement to resolve a suit accusing a federally funded health clinic of negligently causing a newborn's brain damage, which ultimately resulted in his death 14 months later. U.S. District Judge Marcia G. Cooke signed off on the deal to end a Federal Tort Claims Act suit accusing Dr. Carlos A. Rodriguez, an employee of Citrus Health Network Inc., of failing to timely perform an emergency Cesarean section on patient Dayami Hernandez, which caused her son to suffer permanent and severe brain...

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