Umbilical Cord Medical Malpractice Birth Injury

Umbilical cord issues in pregnancy are not uncommon. In fact, it is estimated that between 20 to 30 percent of all babies delivered have one or more “loops” of umbilical cord wrapped around their neck at birth (called a nuchal cord).1 And, according to an article in the American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology, a majority of the time nuchal cords are not majorly problematic.2
However, in some cases umbilical cord problems are the result of medical malpractice negligence that causes serious injury to an infant, or even stillbirth. Umbilical cord medical malpractice birth injuries can occur when an infant’s blood flow and heart rate are suppressed due to one or more nuchal chords.1 One study showed that 94 out of 496 stillbirths had umbilical cord abnormalities.3 Careful monitoring by obstetricians, midwives, and specialists before, during, and after a baby’s delivery can help to avoid catastrophic problems involving umbilical cords.
Parents whose infants have suffered an umbilical cord medical malpractice birth injury due to provable medical malpractice negligence not only seek valid answers to their many questions, but also useful direction and effective assistance. Selecting an expert lawyer or legal team is crucial, not only to help ensure justice, but also to secure fair compensation. This is especially important in cases of long-term birth injuries related to umbilical cord medical malpractice. Richard “Bo” Sharp, Esq. and Mallard & Sharp, P.A.’s goal is to obtain justice for individuals and families who are victims of birth injury medical malpractice negligence, especially when such malpractice occurs during labor and delivery. This includes cases involving umbilical cord birth injuries.
Mallard & Sharp, P.A. is dedicated to providing clients with the path to justice and financial recovery. The firm continually handles critical cases that involve birth injuries, medical malpractice, and negligent security, as well as any other acts of negligence that cause catastrophic injuries or wrongful death to individuals.
For more information or to inquire about hiring expert legal representation for a potential birth injury medical malpractice negligence case, including an umbilical cord medical malpractice birth injury, contact Mallard & Sharp, P.A. at 305-461-4800.