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Medical Malpractice

Prolonged Labor Birth Injuries

Prolonged Labor Birth Injuries

The average labor timeframe for a first-time birth is approximately 12-24 hours, and about 10-14 hours for subsequent births.1,2  Prolonged labor is that which exceeds these approximations. It does not progress at an appropriate pace, and can result in birth injury to a baby, mother (or surrogate), or both due to complications. Such complications can include3: - low oxygen levels for the baby - abnormal heart rhythm in the baby - abnormal substances in the amniotic fluid - a uterine infection These complications and others can create serious health risks, and even lead to death. In some cases, the complications are a result of medical malpractice negligence. In...

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Maternal C-Section Birth Injuries

Maternal C-Section Birth Injuries

Cesarean delivery of a baby (also referred to as a C-section) is the surgical procedure utilized when pregnancy risks or complications are present. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that in 2020 alone, 1,148,692 babies were born in the U.S. by C-section.1 That’s more than 30 percent of all babies born in the U.S. during that year. C-sections sometimes result in maternal birth injuries. While some maternal C-section birth injuries may result in temporary and/or minor injuries, other maternal C-sections birth injuries may result in permanent conditions. According to the Mayo Clinic, maternal C-section birth injuries include2: - Infection (at...

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Infant C-Section Birth Injuries

C-section birth injury

Cesarean delivery of a baby, also referred to as a C-section, is the surgical procedure involving incisions made in the abdomen and uterus of a pregnant individual in order to address or avoid pregnancy complications.1 According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 1,148,692 babies were born by C-section in the U.S. in 2020 alone.2 That’s nearly 32% of all babies born in the U.S. for that year. When this type of delivery is utilized, C-section birth injuries can occur. The risk naturally grows with the increasing number of C-sections performed. A research study done from January 1, 1999 to...

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Florida Premature Birth Injuries

Brain Injury During Birth

One of the most traumatic and distressing situations parents can experience while pregnant is that of having their child or children born too early. A premature (also called preterm) birth is any birth that occurs earlier than 37 completed weeks of pregnancy.1 In 2020, one in ten U.S. babies was born prematurely.2 It’s an astounding number. Sadly, in many cases, premature births result in birth injuries or infant deaths. In fact, complications from preterm births are the leading cause of death in children under five.1 Complications of premature births can include incomplete organ development, vision problems, hearing impairment, improperly formed bones and...

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Florida Birth Injury Statute of Limitations

Statute of Limitations

“How long do we have to file a birth injury medical malpractice lawsuit?” It’s a question every parent with a provable birth injury medical malpractice negligence case needs to know the answer to. It’s especially important to know due to the fact that caring for a child who has a birth injury generally takes more time and effort than for a child who doesn’t, and time can pass quickly. Time is of the essence in such cases, however, in part due to how the law is structured. A set amount of time, known as the Florida Statute of Limitations (Chapter 95,...

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Five Considerations for the Best Miami Birth Injury Settlement

miami birth injury settlement

The financial aspects associated with learning that a newborn has one or more birth injuries include not only medical bills and related impending expenses, but also future care. Future care can include unforeseen needs associated with physical therapy, specialty education, handicap transportation, and a host of other scenarios. It is a major reason why obtaining fair compensation is critical in legal actions focused on securing the best Miami birth injury settlement. The following are five considerations when selecting an expert lawyer or legal team in order to recover the best Miami birth injury settlement in preparation for all costs, including future...

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Achieving the Best Miami Medical Malpractice Birth Injury Settlement

Malpractice Birth Injury Settlement

In addition to the heartbreak, fear, and exhaustion that accompanies learning that a newborn has one or more birth injuries are concerns about medical bills, future care, and related impending expenses. Not to mention justice. Parents and families of infants who have Miami medical malpractice birth injuries need experienced, effective help and support from a variety of angles. Considerations when selecting an expert lawyer or legal team in order to achieve the best Miami medical malpractice birth injury settlement include: * Experience in handling unique birth injury cases * Expert knowledge of the legal process * Knowledge of new or pending changes to legal...

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Maternal Birth Injury Medical Malpractice Deaths

Maternal Birth Injury Medical Malpractice Deaths

Current research shows that pregnancy-related maternal birth injury deaths have increased in the U.S. over the last couple of decades.1,2 It is an astounding and heartbreaking scenario, particularly given developments and advances in medicine and medical care. Even more disturbing is when dangerous pregnancy-related medical situations are preventable, yet result in provable medical malpractice deaths. According to the CDC, the number of reported pregnancy-related deaths in the United States steadily increased from 7.2 deaths per 100,000 live births in 1987 to 17.3 deaths per 100,000 live births in 2018.3 Causes of maternal pregnancy-related deaths include: - Cardiovascular problems - Preeclampsia and eclampsia - Hemorrhage -...

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The Best Miami Medical Malpractice Birth Injury Lawyers

Judgement Award Settlement for Personal Injury Settlements

Justice, along with fair compensation for medical bills, future care, and related expenses, is what parents and families of infants with Miami medical malpractice birth injuries seek. At Mallard & Sharp, P.A., the best Miami medical malpractice birth injury lawyers are Vidian Mallard and Richard “Bo” Sharp. Fighting for families of birth-injured infants and mothers – and a lot of other justice-related malpractice and personal injury issues – is their focus. Noted for recently securing a record-setting $12,000,000 settlement in the Federal Tort Claim Action styled HACKING vs. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. (Case No.: 2:19-cv-14449-) with Bo Sharp at the helm,...

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Birth Injury Infant Deaths

Birth Injury Infant Deaths

The emotional devastation that parents and families experience after the loss of a newborn is unimaginable – and is compounded when that loss is due to medical malpractice negligence. Birth injury infant deaths result in disbelief, hurt, and anger, among other emotions, and a profound desire for answers and accountability. According to the CDC, nearly 20,000 infants died in the United States in 2020 alone.1 The 10 leading causes of infant death that year, which equated to 67.5% of the total infant deaths, were:2 - congenital malformations - low birth weight - sudden infant death syndrome - unintentional injuries - maternal complications - umbilical cord and placenta-related...

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