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Medical Negligence

Erring On The Side Of Malpractice: When Cautious Treatment Causes Harm


For medical professionals, perhaps nothing is more ironic than when actions taken to avoid medical malpractice negligence actually cause it. Yet unnecessary testing and treatment occur constantly in the U.S. medical industry. According to Johns Hopkins Medicine, the National Academy of Medicine reports that unnecessary testing alone is performed to the tune of over $200 billion a year.1 Beyond the monetary implications of such actions is the potential for harm to patients.  Unnecessary testing can cause delays in medical care that in turn can result in improper treatment, advancement of illness, or even death. Further, unneeded treatment in itself can cause...

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Infant Birth Injuries Due To Vacuum-Assisted Delivery

infant birth injuries

In a shift away from the use of forceps during vaginal births, vacuum-assisted delivery of babies has become more prevalent over the past 20 years.1 Unfortunately, this type of infant delivery carries a number of risks, including the potential development of neonatal intracranial hemorrhages, convulsions, or encephalopathy.2 Strict protocol must be adhered to in instances where vacuum-assisted delivery is the procedure of choice. When protocol is not followed, or is improperly implemented, short-term or permanent birth injury may result for the baby, the mother, or both. In situations involving provable medical malpractice negligence with regard to infant birth injuries caused...

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When Nursing Home Negligence Results in Wrongful Death

nursing home negligence

Learning that a loved one has experienced nursing home negligence in a care facility is one of the most disturbing events in life. When such a situation results in a loved one's death, it is nothing short of devastating, and the pain, hurt, and anger is unimaginable. Feelings including shock and misplaced guilt can make it difficult to function, let alone focus. Yet gathering the proof needed to build an effective case and finding expert legal guidance are essential. Finding answers and seeking justice become priorities for most individuals and families. When a loved one is injured or dies due to...

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Florida Medical Malpractice Negligence: 7 Potential Case Arenas

Florida Medical Malpractice Negligence

From the point of professional assessment to the point of cure, improvement, or repair in situations involving illness or injury, Florida medical malpractice negligence can occur. Individuals and entities alike may be involved in such occurrences. There are many potential scenarios in which malpractice or negligence can arise, the majority of which involve one or more of the 7 sections listed below. In Florida, the law defines medical malpractice negligence with relation to a breach of the prevailing medical standard of care.1 Breaches can occur in multiples and involve several parties at once. Here are 7 potential case arenas involving medical malpractice...

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Medication And Malpractice-Related Birth Injuries

malpractice-related birth injuries

Among the various types of medical malpractice-related birth injuries are those involving medications. Such birth injuries can result from overmedication, improper medication, or even a lack of medicating, and can occur at any stage from the onset of pregnancy to the postpartum "after-the-birth" phase. Mother, child, or both may be affected. For example, if a drug is prescribed for a pregnant woman and she has a known but overlooked contraindication to its use that results in harm to her and/or her unborn child or children, the result may be one or more medical malpractice-related birth injuries. In cases involving multiple births, the...

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Telemedicine: 5 Causes of Medical Malpractice Negligence via Telemedicine


Whether via phone or computer, telemedicine offers both convenience and the opportunity for improved health. Unfortunately, when it goes wrong, it can also veer into the realm of Florida medical malpractice negligence. There are a number of ways in which medical malpractice negligence can occur during a telemedicine visit. They include: 1. A medical professional practicing outside of his or her licensed profession. 2. A medical professional practicing outside of his or her legally allowed designated practice location (out-of-boundary treatment). 3. Misdiagnosis and/or delayed diagnosis. 4. Incorrect prescribing (including failure to confirm medication allergies or reactions). 5. Patient medical record mix-ups. Areas with higher population numbers...

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The Many Faces of Medical Malpractice Negligence in Florida

medical malpractice negligence

Medical malpractice negligence can involve a variety of different individuals and entities in a myriad of scenarios. Regardless of who was involved in the occurrence and the type of situation, medical malpractice negligence in Florida is defined as being based on provider or entity actions that represent a breach of the prevailing medical standard of care as defined by Florida law.1 Some of the individuals who may be involved include: Doctors Nurses Physician assistants Medical staff Specialists Lab technicians Dentists Dental assistants Dental hygienists Entities that may be involved in negligence include: Hospitals Medical offices Medical care facilities Dental offices Military medical facilities Nursing homes Outpatient facilities and centers Medical laboratories Imaging centers Medical malpractice negligence can occur at any...

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Mallard & Sharp Win $33.8 Million Dollar Medical Malpractice Verdict

Birth Injury Lawyer

Mallard & Sharp, P.A. were counsel for a $33.8 Million dollar medical malpractice verdict that was the Largest Medical Malpractice Verdict in the State of Florida in 2017 in the case of MARLA DIXON, EARL REESE-THORNTON, and ER v. The United States of America, of E.R., a minor, Case No.: 1:15-cv- 23502. The case involved a doctor who lied and changed medical records after he failed to perform an emergency C-section to deliver plaintiff E.R. when the doctor was on his cell phone with his stock broker. THE CASE WAS TURNED DOWN BY OTHER ATTORNEYS before Mallard & Sharp, P.A. became involved. RICHARD SHARP AND FOUNDING FIRM...

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Twins And Birth Injuries: Is It Medical Malpractice Or Negligence?

twins and birth injuries

By their general nature, births involving twins or other multiples in pregnancy run a higher risk of experiencing birth defects, with one twin often more affected than the other.1 In addition, certain conditions, such as hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (HIE), a serious, life-threatening form of brain damage that can occur during childbirth, have the potential to be more common among twin births. Further, a rare condition in which twins share the placenta and one twin receives more blood flow than the other, known as twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome (TTTS), can occur, and often presents with devastating consequences.2 But what about when such risk is compounded...

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Florida Medical Malpractice Negligence Law Update

florida medical malpractice negligence

Earlier this year, the Florida House of Representatives passed HB 651 (Recovery of Damages in Claims for Medical Malpractice Negligence) in a 99-16 vote.1 The bill, which was introduced in an effort to allow parents of deceased adult children who had no children of their own to recover damages for mental pain and suffering in medical negligence lawsuits, affects Florida statutes 768.21(8). Florida statutes 768.21(8) currently disallows recovery of such damages. No other state in the nation does the same. One viewpoint on the matter reflects that blocking the public's ability to sue for damages for mental pain and suffering in...

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