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Breech Birth Injuries & Getting Legal Help

Breech Birth Injuries

Among the potential problems that can result in birth injuries are breech birth injuries. Breech births are those in which a fetus is not in the correct position to emerge head first, but rather feet first or buttocks first. The types of birth injuries that can be sustained as a result may affect the child, the mother, or both. In situations in which a baby is in breech position, doctors often attempt careful manual manipulation to move the baby into a head-first birth position. While this is effective in many cases, it carries its own set of risks, including potential umbilical...

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Boating Accidents: A Look At Florida Maritime Law

boating accidents lawyers

Boating accidents can fall under Maritime law, also referred to as Admiralty law, is that which governs businesses providing services that involve being in or on the water. In Florida, the “water” is specifically defined as navigable waters, as per Florida Statute 768.191. According to the Department of Transportation2, Florida’s navigable waters include: Atlantic Intracoastal WaterwayGulf Intracoastal WaterwayHarbors, Bays, and BayousInlets and PassesCanals and ChannelsRivers and Creeks Types of Boating Accidents Under Florida Maritime Law Any personal injury or death resulting from activities provided in or on navigable waters by a company or entity falls under the regulatory requirements of Florida Maritime law....

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Wrongful Death In Florida: What You Need To Know From A Legal Perspective

wrongful death in Florida

Among the civil lawsuits able to be brought to court in Florida are those involving wrongful deaths. Per Florida statutes section 768.19, when a death is caused by the wrongful act, negligence, default, or breach of contract or warranty of another person, including those occurring on navigable waters, it is considered a wrongful death.1 Overall, there are three main aspects to keep in mind with regard to Florida wrongful death claims: 1) only certain parties may bring a wrongful death claim in Florida; 2) there are specifics on damages; and 3) there are time limits for filing a claim. What Parties...

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Hospital Medical Malpractice Negligence And Legal Liability

Hospital Medical Malpractice Negligence

Hospital Medical malpractice negligence is generally synonymous with the thought of wrongdoing on behalf of a doctor or other medical professional. In actuality, however, there are numerous points of potential liability to consider in hospital medical malpractice negligence cases. Medical care can go awry at any point from admission forward in a hospital. In fact, a hospital may be liable in more situations than you realize. These can include scenarios involving not only doctors, but employees. And in a number of cases, the doctors are not the employees. Doctors: Employees or Independent Contractors?When hospital doctors who are employees provide improper treatment...

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Legal Help For Trucking Accident Victims

Trucking Accident Attorneys

Thousands of fatalities, injuries, and accident-related vehicle-damage cases occur each year due to trucking accidents, according to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration.1 Victims and their families face overwhelming physical, mental, and financial stressors in the midst of trying to recover and get their lives as back on track as possible. One of the first steps to consider after such an accident is hiring legal counsel. This can be beneficial from a number of angles. To begin with, there are numerous legal considerations—many of which are not readily obvious to the general public. One of the most important of these aspects...

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Breach Of Contract And Commercial Litigation Attorneys

Breach of contract and commercial litigation

In addition to fraud and employment issues, breach of contract ranks high among cases that lead to commercial litigation. A contract is considered to be breached when certain specified duties are promised to be performed and that promise is not fulfilled. These can include expected services, mutually agreed-upon compensation, or other scenarios. When even one aspect of a written or oral contract is not upheld by a party who is legally bound to the contract, a breach occurs. A breach of contract can affect an array of parties, from individuals to major corporations, and can even result in a class-action...

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Birth Injuries: Securing Compensation For Long-Term Care


Birth injuries are devastating and heartbreaking, no matter what type. They may be the result of brain damage, asphyxia, hypoxia, organ failure, infection, cerebral palsy, Erb’s palsy, C-sections, or other events. Those that cause permanent injury to a child, a mother, or both create the most serious scenarios with regard to costs and other considerations involving both current and future care. Needs may include: Medical testingHealth monitoringPhysician costsSpecialist costsLong-term caretakersMental health careCustom prostheticsMobility devices (wheelchairs)Specialty educationVehicle modificationHome modificationFurniture modificationTransportation costsSecurityInability to work Given the extent of potentially lifelong needs in birth injury negligence cases, it is crucial to obtain compensation commensurate to...

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Legal Help For Victims Of Motor Vehicle Safety Defects

Motor vehicle safety defects

Motor vehicle safety defects are the cause of tens of thousands of injuries and deaths annually.1 Injuries sustained include severe lacerations, brain damage, spinal injuries, severed limbs, and dislocated, broken, or fractured bones. In addition, the mental and emotional toll can be devastating. And while the number of motor vehicle safety defects detected and reported to the public each year may be lessening, there are still far too many incidences in which individuals are injured, handicapped, or killed as a result of faulty vehicle safety equipment.  Over 390 million vehicles, 46 million tires, 66 million pieces of motor vehicle equipment, and 42...

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Birth Injury Claims: Legal Questions And Answers

Cerebral Palsy Lawyer

The shock and heartbreak of learning that your baby has a birth injury parallels with having a wide variety of questions regarding the cause, future care, and costs. These generally correlate with contacting a birth injury lawyer to discuss legal liability regarding your baby’s injury. The following are common questions regarding birth injury claims: What Is One Of The First Things I Should Do If I Learn My Child Has A Birth Injury?In addition to practicing self care by eating nutritious meals, staying hydrated, and getting enough sleep, it is beneficial to confirm the type of birth injury your child has...

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Black newborn babies more likely to die when looked after by White doctors

Black Birth Injuries

(CNN) Black newborn babies in the United States are more likely to survive childbirth if they are cared for by Black doctors, but three times more likely than White Babies to die when looked after by White doctors, a study has found. The mortality rate of Black newborn babies in hospital shrunk by between 39% and 58% when Black physicians took charge of the birth, according to the research, which laid bare how shocking racial disparities in human health can affect even the first hours of a person's life. By contrast, the mortality rate for White babies was largely unaffected...

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