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Insurance Claims

Uninsured Doctor Liability In A Medical Malpractice Case

Uninsured Doctor Liability

Throughout the medical field in Florida, an array of different physicians — including those in general medicine, cosmetic surgery, and even obstetrics — carry no liability insurance. The fact that they do not carry this insurance must be made known to patients, though it may simply be displayed in writing in their medical-office waiting areas. Unfortunately, when done in this manner, the letter, notice, or flyer that is posted may go unnoticed by patients. When patients of uninsured doctors are victims of medical malpractice negligence, it can be devastating at an even higher level due to costs and legalities. Private practice...

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Is A Health Insurance Company Liable In A Medical Malpractice Lawsuit?

Health Insurance Company

It is a relatively common scenario: An individual’s health insurance company has changed, whether by personal choice, due to an employer making changes, as a result of job loss, or even due to an insurance company buyout or bankruptcy. The person is given — or chooses — a new insurance company, which in turn chooses a new primary doctor for the individual if he or she does not choose one. But what happens in the event a new primary doctor chosen by an insurance company misdiagnoses or improperly treats an individual, resulting in serious injury or death to that individual? Is...

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10 Arenas For Potential Medical Malpractice Negligence

Medical Malpractice Negligence

Medical malpractice negligence can occur anywhere from the starting point of professional medical assessment to the point of cure, improvement, or repair in situations involving illness, injury, or births. Individuals and entities alike may be involved in such occurrences. There are many potential scenarios in which malpractice or negligence can arise, the majority of which involve one or more of the ten listed below. In Florida, the law defines medical malpractice negligence specifically with relation to a breach of the prevailing medical standard of care.1 Breaches can occur in multiples and involve several parties at once. Here are 10 case arenas that have...

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Trucking Accident Lawyers: Legal Help For Victims Of Trucking Accidents

trucking accident

If you or someone you know has been injured, or a loved one has died, due to a Trucking Accident in Greater Miami, South Florida, or any other area in Florida, contact Mallard & Sharp, P.A. at 877.662.5527. We are experienced Trucking Accident Attorneys who understand Trucking Accident Law and can help you recover the damages you deserve. Drivers, owners manufacturers, and mechanics are among the parties who are potentially liable in trucking accident cases. In some cases, more than one individual or entity is at fault. Trucking accidents are one of the most devastating experiences individuals and their families can face....

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Automobile Accidents Involving Electric Vehicles: When Silence Isn’t Golden

automobile accidents

Automobile Accidents can happen for many reasons. Hearing loss. Visual impairments. Other physical handicaps. One of the things all of these have in common is the fact that when individuals with any of these conditions are on foot or are utilizing a handicap-assisted device in a parking lot or housing development, they may be at a higher risk of being injured or killed by an electric or hybrid vehicle. Not to mention individuals moving at a fast pace on foot (or on a bicycle, scooter, moped, or motorcycle) or bending down to pick something up in these same locations, or...

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Automobile Accidents: Backup Camera Blind Spots & More

automobile accidents

Many vehicles are now produced with rear-view video cameras, often referred to as "backup" cameras. And while the goal of having such technology—and using it—is to avoid collisions and resultant injuries and deaths, it does not provide a 100% guarantee of effectiveness against automobile accidents. A host of factors are responsible for this, including: -- operator age -- weather -- visibility -- maneuvering speed -- camera range Operator Age According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the 65-and-older population grew by over one third (34.2% or 13,787,044) in the past decade, and by 3.2% (1,688,924) from 2018 to 2019 alone.1 There are more elderly  drivers than ever before....

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Smoke On The Water: Boating Accident Litigation

boating accident

Smoke On The Water: Boating Accident Litigation Florida as a whole is a boating paradise that attracts not only local boating enthusiasts, but also tourists looking to enjoy its many waterways and water access points. These include lakes, rivers, and canals as well as the Gulf of Mexico, the Atlantic Ocean, and the Florida Straits. Unfortunately, with the ever extensive number of boaters, the number of boating accidents and fatalities tends to increase. Even with safety measures in place, boating accidents can occur. According to the Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission, hundreds of injuries related to boating accidents occur annually in Florida...

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Product Liability: Is More Than One Party Liable?

product liability

Product liability includes current product recalls and involve a variety of items including bicycles, baby loungers, propane heaters, and ATVs (all-terrain vehicles).1 Every year there are numerous product recalls, many of which are the result of injuries or deaths that involve product liability. In 2020 alone hundreds of recalls were issued on items, according to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission. Product liability that occurs as a result of injuries and/or deaths due to the use of defective items is often met with legal recourse. Liability claims may involve more than one liable party and more than one insurance claim. When multiple...

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Trucking Accidents: 20 Accidental & Negligent Causes

trucking accidents

According to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, there are thousands of fatalities, serious injuries, and property damage cases annually due to trucking accidents.1 Victims and their loved ones face devastating physical, emotional, and financial challenges as a result of such accidents. From treatment to rehabilitation, and from claims to compensation, there are many aspects that require attention post-accident. This can be particularly strenuous when one or more parties are at fault. Hiring legal counsel after a trucking accident is common and can be highly beneficial in a number of ways. These include the fact that many legal considerations associated with...

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Considerations After Vehicle Insurance Claim Denials

Vehicle Insurance Claim Denials

Vehicle Insurance Claim Denials following a vehicle accident can be both shocking and financially devastating. The scenario can be even more distressing when another involved party is at fault, you are seriously injured, and his or her insurance company denies your claim. The following are issues to consider following vehicle insurance claim denials in Florida: Policy Review If you are at fault: Is your policy up to date and paid? Do you have collision coverage? What is your deductible? Have there been any recent law changes that affect your coverage? Do you have sufficient medical coverage? If another party is at fault: Is his/her policy up to date and...

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